The MamaAs a mom to three young children who have been vegan since birth, I have found it necessary to sometimes tweak vegan recipes to make them more likeable to young tastes. I will be sharing recipes here that my kids have tested and liked enough to want me to make them again!
The BlogThe hardest part about creating this blog will probably be remembering to take photos of the food before my kids devour it. I'm not used to photographing our snacks and meals! So I will have to try to remember to do that, since a visual is nice to have.
The BasicsI will frequently be using terms like margarine, "milk", and sugar. Since this is a vegan blog, I'm assuming it goes without saying that I mean vegan margarine, soy/rice/nut milk, and raw sugar or sugar substitutes. Please refer to the
vegan substitutions page for a nice list of vegan replacements.
The Rating SystemThe rating system I'm going to use for each recipe will be different than most. The number of stars will
not be based upon how much a recipe is liked (ie: 1 star being blah, 5 stars being excellent.) Instead, I will give a recipe a star for each of my children who liked it. I have three children, so the highest star a recipe can have is 3 stars. If only two of my kids liked it, it will have 2 stars, and so on. I will use "NR" (Not Rated) for those recipes submitted by readers that I haven't yet had a chance to make for my kids yet. I don't really see a need to rate it by degrees of like or dislike. My kids either like it, eat it, and ask me to make it again, or they say it's disgusting and ask me never to make it again. Kids are cool like that.
The SubmissionsIf you would like to submit a vegan recipe that you think kids would like, please email it to me at kidsarevegantoo(at) . If you have an accompanying photo, that would be great!
The RequestsIf you would like to see a particular vegan recipe posted on this site, please let me know and I'll do my best to try and accomodate you!